Drone flight restrictions for the 2024 European Football Championship in Germany

Dimitri Wolf
4 Min. Lesen

Important flight restrictions around the venues of the European Football Championship 2024 will come into force for drone pilots with the start of match day 1 today. We summarise the regulations for you. Beware, there are hefty penalties for infringements!

A major event like the European Football Championship always entails special security measures. This also applies to large-scale(!) flight restrictions on drone flights around the stadiums where matches are played.

Note: The following information is provided without guarantee and has been compiled to the best of our knowledge and belief. To be on the safe side, you should check the sources mentioned at the bottom of this article.

Which flight restrictions come into force?

The ED-R flight restriction areas are a possible regulation in this country.

The so-called ED-Rs are defined by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport Affairs (BMDV) in accordance with Section 17 (1) LuftVO. On the one hand, they serve to prevent threats to public safety and, on the other, they designate areas that pose a risk to aviation. Examples include military training areas, government buildings or nuclear facilities. The transit of such an ED-R requires a transit authorisation from the BAF. Flying in without authorisation is a criminal offence according to § 62 LuftVG.

dipul, Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs and Transport

Where do the flight restrictions for drones apply?

The ED-Rs apply at and around the venues in the following cities:

  • Berlin
  • Dortmund
  • Dusseldorf
  • Frankfurt
  • Gelsenkirchen
  • Hamburg
  • Cologne
  • Leipzig
  • Munich
  • Stuttgart

It is important to note that the restrictions cover a very large area and are not limited to the stadium itself. Therefore, drone flights at a greater distance from the stadium are also not possible in some cases (see below)!

How can I check where and how large the flight restriction area is in one of the affected cities?

The easiest way is to use the drone map tool from Dipul. All flight restriction areas are shown here, including further information on the designated zones.

🗺️👉 To the map tool from Dipul

When do the flight restrictions for drones apply?

In principle, the restrictions apply from 14 June 2024 to 14 July 2024 on the days on which matches are played in the stadiums, i.e. 3 hours before to 4 hours after the match. The restrictions will be announced by DFS 48 hours in advance via NOTAM and also displayed in the above-mentioned map tool.

What can I do if I want to fly despite flight restrictions?

In principle, any person or organisation may apply for a transit permit. The application can be made on the BAF website. A processing time of 4 weeks is to be expected. Anyone who wants to fly during the tournament is unlikely to be successful.

Detailed explanation of the ED-Rs

Established area with radiusConditionExcluded for, among others
ED-R “EM 1”
with 3,704 m
(2 NM)
All flights by model aircraft and unmanned aerial systems are prohibited in the area described above.Operational flights by the Federal Police and the police forces of the federal statesFlying on behalf of and at the instigation of the police
Rescue and disaster control flights
ED-R “EM 2”
with 5,556 m
(3 NM)
All flights, including the operation of model aircraft and unmanned aerial systems, are prohibited in the area described above with flight restrictions.Operational flights of the Federal Police, the police forces of the federal states, the German Armed ForcesFlights on behalf of and at the instigation of the police, with the authorisation of the police, of state aircraft and the German Armed Forces in connection with UEFA EURO 2024, in rescue and disaster control operations, ambulance flightsFlights exclusively according to instrument flight rules (alternate procedures -Y and Z flight plans- are not permitted) that comply with ICAO standards in accordance with Annex 17 (Safeguarding International Civil Aviation against Unlawful Interference) or regulation (EC) No 300/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2008Flights of model aircraft and unmanned aerial systems at a distance of more than 2 NM around the aerial sites, taking into account the regulations of § 21h LuftVO and provided that a flight altitude of 120 m above ground level is not exceeded
ED-R “EM 3”
with 55,560 m
(30 NM)
All flights, including the operation of model aircraft and unmanned aerial systems, are prohibited in the area described above with flight restrictions.Operational flights – of the Federal Police, the police forces of the federal states, the Federal Armed Forces, flights on behalf of and at the instigation of the police, with the authorisation of the police, of state aircraft and the Federal Armed Forces with reference to UEFA EURO 2024, in rescue and disaster control operations, ambulance flightsFlights exclusively according to instrument flight rules (alternate procedures -Y and Z flight plans- are not permitted), which comply with the ICAO standards according to Annex 17 (Safeguarding International Civil Aviation against Unlawful Interference) or regulation (EC) No. 300/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2008, flights of model aircraft and unmanned aerial systems at a distance of more than 2 NM around the venues, taking into account the regulations of § 21h LuftVO and provided that a flight altitude of 120m above ground level is not exceeded
with 22,224 m
(12 NM)
The carrying and use of a transponder with automatic altitude transmission and
Radio contact with the corresponding ground radio station is mandatory.
Flights in the ED-R “EM 2” area
Bundeswehr flightsPolice flights and flights on behalf of the policeRescue and disaster control flightsAmbulance flightsModel aircraft and unmanned aerial systems up to an altitude of 120 metres above ground level
Source: dipul
Dimitri is the founder of DeinDrohnenpilot.de and has been working at skyzr since 2021. He has been fascinated by the topic of drones since 2016. When he is not flying a drone, he is responsible for planning and developing new concepts for the platform as well as writing and creating content. He is also responsible for the technical implementation and maintenance. His training as an IT specialist for system integration and his bachelor's degree in media informatics help him with this.
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