Drone Know How

The right drone knowledge is worth its weight in gold. With new regulations and constantly evolving technology, there’s always something new to learn when it comes to drones. When am I allowed to fly where? When is a special permit mandatory? What do certain functions/technical terms of a drone mean? And much more. We provide you with regular articles on new drone knowledge and help you to stay up to date.

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Most recent: Drone Know How

What is the headless mode?

Numerous functions and terms can initially overwhelm drone beginners. They are often not necessarily self-explanatory. This also applies to headless…

Dimitri Wolf

Where can I find the serial number of my drone?

Are you looking for the serial number of your drone? We'll tell you where to find it and why you…

Dimitri Wolf

What does the 1:1 rule mean for drones?

Anyone who deals with drones and the applicable laws is bound to come across the term "1:1 rule" sooner or…

Dimitri Wolf

Proper care and protection of drone batteries – 5 tips

With the following 5 simple tips, we will show you how to look after and protect your drone's batteries. This…

Dimitri Wolf

DJI drones – setting the maximum flight speed

In this article, we reveal whether and how the maximum flight speed of DJI drones can be adjusted.

Dimitri Wolf

Why is my RAW file only 960×540 pixels in size?

Your RAW file seems to be only 960x540px? Don't panic. Nothing has gone wrong here and no file is defective.…

Dimitri Wolf

Crashed drone – What do I do after a crash or accident?

It's every drone pilot's nightmare: A moment of carelessness, a technical problem or a sudden change in the weather and…

Dimitri Wolf

Maximum wind speed when flying a drone

What is the maximum wind speed at which you should still fly your drone? We answer this question for you…

Dimitri Wolf

Operating temperature of drones

Particularly in the cold season, the question of what temperatures you can still fly your drone at arises more frequently.…

Dimitri Wolf

Optical zoom vs. digital zoom: what’s the difference?

As a drone pilot, you know that the functions of the camera can make a decisive difference to your shots.…

Dimitri Wolf
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