Here you can find the download of the DJI Mini 4 Pro manual in PDF format and information about the contents of the manual.
The official manual for the DJI Mini 4 Pro is available directly on DJI’s website to coincide with the launch of the drone. The download is available in several languages, including a version in English.
To the download of the DJI Mini 4 Pro Manual
Not only for beginners, but also for advanced drone pilots, it is worth taking a look at the 121-page drone manual. This is because the manuals, which are usually extensive and detailed, contain all the important information about the functions and operation of a drone. This makes it easier to familiarize yourself with the operation of the drone and to get to know the peculiarities of the new model faster and better. Especially the explanations of new functions can be very helpful at the beginning.
More drone manuals are available in our Drone Manual Collection.
DJI Mini 4 Pro short introduction
The DJI Mini 4 Pro is the direct successor to the DJI Mini 3 Pro. It also features a weight of <249g, which allows it to benefit from simplified regulations under the EU Drone Regulation.
- Unter 249 g, kein Drohnenführerschein erforderlich[1] – Leicht, konform mit den C0-Vorschriften, in den meisten Ländern ist keine Drohnenführerschein erforderlich; Genieße den Spaß am Fliegen ohne mühsames Antragsverfahren und Wartezeit
The Mini 4 Pro’s special features include new omnidirectional obstacle detection thanks to new sensors, an improved camera that allows 4K recording at up to 100fps, the C0 drone class label, a waypoints function, the new ActiveTrack 360°, support for OcuSync 4 and the new DJI RC N-2 and DJI RC 2 remote controls.
DJI Mini 4 Pro Manual FAQ
A link to download the official DJI Mini 4 Pro manual can be found in the article.
Definitely. The manual contains useful information about the functions as well as the operation of the DJI Mini 4 Pro and should be read even by experienced drone pilots.
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