DJI Avata License Plate – EU Drone Regulation

Dimitri Wolf
3 Min. Lesen

In the following article, we will tell you everything you need to know about drone license plates for the DJI Avata. Which regulations apply, what you have to pay attention to with the license plate and what else you have to pay attention to.

Do I need a drone license plate for the DJI Avata?

Yes. According to the EU Drone Regulation, a drone license plate is required for the DJI Avata . The basis for this is the obligation to register as a drone operator for owners of a DJI Avata. In the obligation to register (german), the weight of the drone only plays a role if it is not equipped with a camera or other sensors for recording. Conditions that do not apply to the Avata, which requires registration as a drone operator and appropriate marking.

Details on this topic can be found in our article on the EU Drone Regulation (german) and the separate article already linked above on the general registration and marking obligation.

Drone License Plate Requirements for Avata FPV Drone

The eID of the drone owner must be printed on the drone license plate or the drone sticker for the avata. This is a unique identification number that is assigned after registration as a drone operator.

Thus, for the license plate, the registration with the competent authority is necessary first (for details, see the article linked above). Only after the registration has been checked will you be assigned your necessary eID, which you can view after logging in to the respective platform. Since the check can take a few days, you should think about it early to be able to take off with your drone promptly.

The drone license plate should be fireproof and securely placed on the outside of the drone. We’ll tell you where the license plate should be placed further down in this article.

Buy DJI Avata license plate

Suppliers of suitable drone license plates are a dime a dozen. Even the cheapest providers usually deliver sufficiently good drone license plates. We have compiled a small selection of suitable offers for you below.

Gravierwerkstatt-Salomon Micro Drohnenkennzeichen 20x10mm oder 15x7mm, Drohnenplakette mit hochwertiger Lasergravur und Klebestreifen, Drohnenkennzeichnung feuerfest
  • GESETZESKONFORM: Ab einem Gewicht von 250 Gramm verlangt der Gesetzgeber eine gültige Drohnen-Kennzeichnung; unsere Drohnenschilder erfüllen alle gesetzlichen Vorgaben der Kennzeichnungspflicht.
  • SCHNELL MONTIERT: Das selbstklebende Drohnen-Kennzeichen lässt sich dank des hochwertigen 3M-Klebebandes einfach und dauerhaft an Ihrer Drohne befestigen.
  • EXTRA LEICHT: Mit einem Gewicht ab 0,3 Gramm und einer Materialstärke von 0,51 mm beeinflusst unsere Drohnen-Plakette Ihren Drohnenflug in keiner Weise.
  • PLUSPUNKTE: Das speziell eloxierte Aluminium der Drohnen Schilder ist witterungs-, salzwasser-, und temperaturbeständig (bis ca. 350°C), abriebfest, UV-resistent und feuerfest.
  • GEEIGNET ALS: Drohnen Plakette Nano, Mavic Pro, Spark, Drohnen Kennzeichen Mavic 2, Drohnen Kennzeichnung Mavic Air u.a.
CopterFarm Sicherheitsschild Drohnen Kennzeichnung Plakette Adressgravur Kennzeichen Schild Feuerfest Selbstklebend 1-8er Set (1, Micro 20x10mm)
  • Adressschild inkl. 3M Klebestreifen - hochwertige Lasergravur "Gerätekennzeichnung, Türschild, Etikett - Mini Schild", in 2 verschiedenen Größen verfügbar.
  • Mattes eloxiertes Aluminium - Größe: 20x10 mm (Materialstärke-dicke: 0,5mm - ohne dem Klebeband).
  • Äußerst stark selbstklebend, dauerhaft, witterungsbeständig, UV-Resistent, abriebfest, salzwasserbeständig und fest mit dem beklebten Gegenstand wie Metall, Plastik, Kunststoff, verbunden.
  • Sofort hier über den Amazon Schild Konfigurator ("Jetzt anpassen") online konfigurierbar. Es können bis zu 26 Zeichen pro Zeile (5 Zeilen) beschriftet werden.
  • Die Schilder können auch für andere Produkte zur Kennzeichnung dienen wie z.B. zur Beschriftung eines Computers, Monitor, Drucker uvm.

DJI itself also sells drone license plates in two different sizes. The corresponding offer can be found directly in the official DJI Store*.

dji drohnen kennzeichen
A drone license plate from DJI. Image:

General information about the drone license plate

DJI also provides the following tips that should generally be followed when attaching license plates to the manufacturer’s drones.

  • Place the marking in one of the positions shown on the aircraft.
  • Make sure that the marking has the required dimensions for your aircraft.
  • Apply the marking firmly and snugly.
  • DO NOT place the marking outside the areas shown below. Failure to do so may affect the performance of the aircraft.
  • Use a badge made of fireproof material such as aluminum alloy or copper. The badge should not be thicker than 1mm!
  • Do not use ferromagnetic materials for the license plate! These may cause interference with the signals and thus affect the operation of the drone.
  • DJI assumes no liability for any injury or damage caused by attaching the label in the wrong positions – corresponding to the correct positions below – which may affect the operation of the aircraft and cause injury or damage.
  • Use only the maximum specified dimensions for the label.
DJI Avata Pro-View Combo
  • Gewicht 410g
  • 4k 60 FPS Videos
  • 18 Minuten Flugzeit
  • Fluggeschwindigkeit bis zu 97,2 km/h
  • Wendige kleine FPV Drohne, neue Goggles 2 und vieles mehr!

Attach drone license plate to DJI Avata

What is the best place to attach the drone license plate to the avata? There are different places where the license plate can be placed safely on the drone. DJI has published a manual for different drone models, which is unfortunately not completely up to date, and which can also be used as a guide for the Avata – mounting instructions for attaching license plates.

FAQ DJI Avata drone license plate

Do I need a license plate for the DJI Avata?

Yes, a drone license plate is mandatory for the DJI Avata according to the EU Drone Regulation. Details can be found in the article.

Where can I buy a license plate for the DJI Avata?

We have compiled a list of suitable offers for DJI Avata drone license plates, including those from DJI itself, in the article.

Wo bringe ich das Kennzeichen an der DJI Avata an?

We have collected tips on how to attach the drone license plate to the DJI Avata in the article.

*The links contained in this article are so-called affiliate links. With these links gets a commission for mediated purchases. The price does not increase for the customer.

Letzte Aktualisierung am 2025-03-06 / Affiliate Links / Bilder von der Amazon Product Advertising API

Dimitri is the founder of and has been working at skyzr since 2021. He has been fascinated by the topic of drones since 2016. When he is not flying a drone, he is responsible for planning and developing new concepts for the platform as well as writing and creating content. He is also responsible for the technical implementation and maintenance. His training as an IT specialist for system integration and his bachelor's degree in media informatics help him with this.
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