Top 10 Drones with camera

Dimitri Wolf
4 Min. Lesen

In this article, you’ll find the top drones with camera and find out everything you need to know to make the perfect choice for you. We’ll help you with your purchase decision.

The best drones with camera

The following list contains the best drones with camera from the consumer sector. They have excellent image and video performance as well as a variety of useful functions without putting too much strain on the wallet. Not included here are industrial and professional drones, which often start at several thousand euros. You can consider the following list when buying a drone.

Top model

DJI Mavic 3 (Cine)

UVP: 4799€

Technische Details
  • Gewicht: 895 g
  • Größe: 347,5 × 283 × 107,7 mm( LxBxH )
  • max . Flugzeit: 46 Minuten
  • max . Reichweite: 10000 m
  • max . Flughöhe: 6000 m
  • max . Geschwindigkeit: 68 km/h
  • Kamera - Sensor: 4/3
  • max . Foto - Auflösung: 5280×3956 Pixel
  • max . Video - Auflösung: 5120×2700 Pixel
  • Interner Speicher: 8GB (Standard) / 1TB (Cine) GB
  • Betriebstemperatur: -10° - 40°°C
  • Features: Da einige Funktionen in der Verkaufsversion noch fehlen, wird dieser Punkt im Januar ergänzt.
Vor - / Nachteile
  • Duales Kamerasystem
  • Hasselblad Kamera
  • Großer 4/3 Zoll Sensor
  • sehr gute Foto- und Videoqualität
  • Omnidirektionales Hindernisserkennungssystem
  • extrem lange Flugzeit
  • Apple ProRes Codec (Cine)
  • integrierte 1TB SSD (Cine)
  • OcuSync 3+
  • Hoher Preis

Price-performance recommendation

DJI Air 3

UVP: 1099€

Technische Details
  • Gewicht: 720 g
  • Größe: 258,8 × 326 × 105,8 mm( LxBxH )
  • max . Flugzeit: 46 Minuten
  • max . Reichweite: 10000 m
  • max . Flughöhe: 6000 m
  • max . Geschwindigkeit: 68 km/h
  • Kamera - Sensor: 1/1,3
  • max . Foto - Auflösung: 8064 × 6048 Pixel
  • max . Video - Auflösung: 3840 × 2160 Pixel
  • Interner Speicher: 8 GB
  • Betriebstemperatur: -10 bis +40°C
  • Features: GPS, 3-Achsen-Gimbal, GLONASS, Baidu, 4K Auflösung, Dual-Kamera, schwenkbare Kamera, ActiveTrack 5.0, RTH, OcuSync 4.0, Spotlight 2.0, Point of Interest 3.0QuickShots
Vor - / Nachteile
  • Dual-Kamera
  • 90° schwenkbare Kamera
  • 10-bit Farbtiefe
  • 46 Minuten Flugzeit
  • C1 Label
  • Waypoint-Funktion
  • omnidirektionales Hindernis-Erkennungssystem
  • OcuSync 4.0
  • Video-Bitrate von 150 MBit/s
  • sehr gute Flugeigenschaften
  • sehr gute Foto- und Videoqualität
  • gesunkene Video-Auflösung gegenüber Vorgänger
  • feste Blende
  • kein Support der DJI RC 1
DJI Air 2S

UVP: 999€

Technische Details
  • Gewicht: 595 g
  • Größe: 183 × 253 × 77 mm( LxBxH )
  • max . Flugzeit: 31 Minuten
  • max . Reichweite: 12000 m
  • max . Flughöhe: 5000 m
  • max . Geschwindigkeit: 68,4 km/h
  • Kamera - Sensor: 1'' CMOS
  • max . Foto - Auflösung: 5472x3648 Pixel
  • max . Video - Auflösung: 5472 x 3078 Pixel
  • Interner Speicher: 8 GB
  • Betriebstemperatur: 0 bis 40°C
  • Features: GPS, 3-Achsel-Gimbal, 5.4K Auflösung, OcuSync 3.0, ActiveTrack 4.0, APAS 4.0, Spotlight 2.0, POI 3.0, Quickshots, Timelaps, RTH, ADS-B
Vor - / Nachteile
  • 1 Zoll großer Bildsensor
  • 5.4K Auflösung
  • 10-bit Farbtiefe
  • sehr gute Foto- und Videoqualität
  • zusätzliche nach oben gerichtete Hindernisserkennung
  • OcuSync 3.0
  • sehr gute Flugeigenschaften
  • zahlreiche Foto- und Videoaufnahmemodi
  • Video-Bitrate von 150 MBit/s
  • feste Blende
  • keine seitlichen Sensoren
  • Propeller können falsch angebracht werden
  • kein KFZ-Ladegerät in der Fly More Combo Version

Best mini drone with camera

DJI Mini 4 Pro

UVP: 799€

Technische Details
  • Gewicht: 249 g
  • Größe: 148 × 94 × 64 mm mm( LxBxH )
  • max . Flugzeit: 34 Minuten
  • max . Reichweite: 20000 m
  • max . Flughöhe: 4000 m
  • max . Geschwindigkeit: 57,6 km/h
  • Kamera - Sensor: 1/1,3 Zoll CMOS
  • max . Foto - Auflösung: 8064 × 6048 Pixel
  • max . Video - Auflösung: 3840×2160 Pixel
  • Interner Speicher: 2GB GB
  • Betriebstemperatur: -10 bis +40°C
  • Features: GPS, 3-Achsen-Gimbal, GLONASS, Baidu, 4K-Auflösung, 90° schwenkbare Kamera, Hyperlapse, QuickTransfer, Panorama, ActiveTrack 360°, RTH, OcuSync 4, Spotlight, Point of Interest, QuickShots, MasterShots, Waypoints, Tempomat
Vor - / Nachteile
  • niedriges Gewicht
  • kompakte Bauweise
  • C0-Label
  • Waypoints
  • O4
  • omnidirektionale Hinderniserkennung
  • 4k@100fps
  • ActiveTrack 360°
  • DJI RC 2 Unterstützung
  • Preis
  • Propeller mit Schrauben befestigt
  • kein Netzteil im Lieferumfang
DJI Mini 3 Pro

UVP: 739€

Technische Details
  • Gewicht: 248 g
  • Größe: 171 × 245 × 62 mm mm( LxBxH )
  • max . Flugzeit: 34 Minuten
  • max . Reichweite: 18000 m
  • max . Flughöhe: 4000 m
  • max . Geschwindigkeit: 57,6 km/h
  • Kamera - Sensor: 1/1,3" CMOS
  • max . Foto - Auflösung: 8064×6048 Pixel
  • max . Video - Auflösung: 3840×2160 Pixel
  • Interner Speicher: 1,2 GB GB
  • Betriebstemperatur: -10 bis +40°C
  • Features: 4K, Quickshots, MasterShots, APAS 4.0, ActiveTrack 4.0, QuickTransfer, GPS, O3, 3-Achsen-Gimbal (vertikal ausrichtbar)
Vor - / Nachteile
  • geringes Gewicht
  • kompakte Bauweise
  • 4K-Auflösung mit 60 FPS
  • OcuSync 3.0 (O3)
  • Vertikal ausrichtbare Kamera
  • 3-Achsen-Gimbal
  • Hindernissensoren in 3 Richtungen (vorne, hinten, unten)
  • ActiveTrack 4.0
  • APAS 4.0
  • Hoher Preis
  • Propeller mit Schrauben befestigt
  • kein Netzteil im Lieferumfang
Parrot Anafi

UVP: 699€

Technische Details
  • Gewicht: 320 g
  • Größe: 175 x 240 x 65 mm( LxBxH )
  • max . Flugzeit: 25 Minuten
  • max . Reichweite: 4000 m
  • max . Flughöhe: 4500 m
  • max . Geschwindigkeit: 55 km/h
  • Kamera - Sensor: 1/2,4’’ CMOS
  • max . Foto - Auflösung: 5344x4016 Pixel
  • max . Video - Auflösung: 4096x2160 Pixel
  • Interner Speicher: - GB
  • Betriebstemperatur: -10 bis 50°C
  • Features: 4K, GPS, Geofence, Hyperlapse, Follow-Me, Find my Drone, RTH,
Vor - / Nachteile
  • leiser als Konkurrenz
  • zusammengefaltet sehr kompakt
  • zahlreiche Flug- und Aufnahmemodi
  • gute Bildqualität
  • großer Lieferumfang
  • um 180° schwenkbare Kamera
  • Hybrid-Gimbal (nur 2 Achsen mechanisch stabilisiert)
  • kostenpflichte In-App Funktionen
  • Propeller nur mit Werkzeug tauschbar
Technische Details
  • Gewicht: 1995 g
  • Größe: 520 mm (diagonale Länge) mm( LxBxH )
  • max . Flugzeit: 28 Minuten
  • max . Reichweite: 1600 m
  • max . Flughöhe: keine Angabe m
  • max . Geschwindigkeit: 48,6 km/h
  • Kamera - Sensor: 1'' CMOS
  • max . Foto - Auflösung: 5472x3648 Pixel
  • max . Video - Auflösung: 3840×2160 Pixel
  • Interner Speicher: - GB
  • Betriebstemperatur: 0 bis 40°C
  • Features: 3-Achsen-Gimbal, GPS, Follow Me, Orbit Me, POI, Wegpunkte, RTH, Hindernisserkennung
Vor - / Nachteile
  • 1-Zoll Bildsensor
  • wechselbare Kamera
  • zahlreiche Flug- und Aufnahmemodi
  • Fernsteuerung ohne Smartphone nutzbar (integriertes Display)
  • einklappbares Landegestell
  • ausfallsicherer als Quadcopter
  • nicht so kompakt
  • vergleichsweise geringe Reichweite
  • langer Verbindungsaufbau zwischen Fernsteuerung und Drohne

First Person View Drone (FPV Drone)

If you are looking for a special flying experience with action-packed shots for outdoors and indoors, you should take a look at FPV drones. If you don’t want to assemble your own FPV system, the DJI Avata is an excellent solution.

DJI Avata Pro-View-Combo
  • Tauch ein und erleb den Nervenkitzel mit unvergleichlicher Sicherheit und Kontrolle. Wenn du Avata mit den Goggles und der Bewegungssteuereinheit steuerst, wird Fliegen für alle einfacher.
  • Fliegen war noch nie einfacher: Mit der DJI Bewegungssteuereinheit ist intuitives Fliegen ganz einfach. Heb ab und entdecke neue Horizonte oder flieg rasante Kurven, nur mit Bewegungen deines Handgelenks.

What is a camera drone?

A camera dr one is a remote-controlled aircraft equipped with a camera. The camera allows you to take high-resolution aerial photos and videos, opening the door to a whole new perspective on the world.

The different types of drones with a camera

There are different types of camera drones, which can vary greatly in size, features and price.

The quadcopter is the most common type and has four rotors, which ensures high stability and manoeuvrability. Quadcopters are particularly suitable for drone photography as they remain stable in the air even in windy conditions and deliver razor-sharp images. If you would like to find out more about drones, take a look at the linked article.

The technology behind the drone with camera

Most camera drones have a gimbal to stabilise the camera during flight. This enables sharp and blur-free images and videos. High-quality gimbals can even actively align the camera and automatically follow a specific subject.

The video quality of the camera is another important factor. Many camera drones are now equipped with 4K cameras. A 4K dr one allows you to capture high-resolution videos with an impressive level of detail. Camera quality is a particularly important feature for photographers and filmmakers.

The flight time indicates how long the drone can stay in the air on one battery charge. It varies depending on the model and can be extended with additional batteries.

Before you take your camera drone into the air, you should familiarise yourself with the drone laws in your country. In many countries, drones have to be registered and there are specific rules about where and how high you are allowed to fly. In this country, the EU Drone Regulation applies, which defines largely standardised regulations for the EU.

Drone insurance is mandatory in most countries to protect you against possible damage that could be caused by operating your drone.

The perfect camera drone for your needs

Choosing the right camera drone depends on your individual needs and budget. Here are some factors you should consider before buying a drone:

  • Purpose: Do you want to use the drone primarily for drone photography, or do you want to use it for racing, adventures or inspections?
  • Budget: How much money are you willing to spend on your drone? Bear in mind that in addition to the drone itself, accessories such as additional batteries, spare propellers and a transport bag may also be required.
  • Technical specifications: Which technical specifications are particularly important to you? Do you value high image quality, a long flight time or special functions such as follow-me or return-to-home?

Frequently asked questions about drone with camera

Which drone with camera is the best?

The “best” camera drone depends on your individual needs. Some models are particularly suitable for beginners, while others are more suitable for advanced pilots or professional photographers. The DJI Mavic series and the Autel Robotics EVO II, for example, are known for their high quality and excellent performance.

Are drones with cameras allowed?

Yes, drones with cameras are permitted in most countries. However, different rules apply to their operation depending on the country. It is therefore important to familiarise yourself with the local drone law before flying.

How much does a drone with a camera cost?

The price of a good camera drone can vary greatly. Simple models for beginners are available from around 100 euros, while professional drones with high-quality cameras and advanced functions can cost several thousand euros.

Where can you fly a drone with a camera?

The rules on where you are allowed to fly a camera drone depend on the drone law in your country. As a rule, flying near airports, crowds and sensitive facilities is prohibited. In addition, a licence may be required to fly in certain areas.


A drone with a camera offers incredible opportunities to see the world from a new perspective. With the right model and the necessary knowledge, you can take impressive aerial photos, fly exciting races or simply explore the world from a bird’s eye view. Remember to familiarise yourself with the legal regulations in your country before flying and always fly safely and responsibly. Whether you are a keen photographer, an adventurer or simply a technology fan, with the right camera drone, nothing stands in the way of your flying pleasure.

While which drone with camera is right for you depends primarily on your personal needs and budget, brands such as DJI and Autel Robotics can be recommended for their high-quality and user-friendly models. Bear in mind that in addition to the purchase price of the drone, there may also be costs for accessories such as additional batteries, spare parts and drone insurance.

In the fascinating world of camera drones, there is always something new to discover and learn. So, fasten your seatbelt and prepare for a breathtaking journey – the sky is the limit!

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Dimitri is the founder of and has been working at skyzr since 2021. He has been fascinated by the topic of drones since 2016. When he is not flying a drone, he is responsible for planning and developing new concepts for the platform as well as writing and creating content. He is also responsible for the technical implementation and maintenance. His training as an IT specialist for system integration and his bachelor's degree in media informatics help him with this.
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