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Our most recent posts

How to export and view DJI flight log files

In this guide, we will show you step-by-step how to export a DJI flight log file from the respective DJI…

Dimitri Wolf

SORA requirements

Operators of drones such as the DJI FlyCart 30, as well as some self-built or existing drones since the beginning…

Dimitri Wolf

Rent a drone: What you need to know

The option of renting or borrowing a drone can be very tempting at first glance. In this article, we explain…

Dimitri Wolf

Buying a drone in instalments – does it make sense or not?

Would you like to buy a drone, but are put off by the high purchase costs? One way to reduce…

Dimitri Wolf

How to find your lost drone again

Your drone is gone? Don't panic! Find out how to recover it quickly and efficiently. With our tips, (almost) no…

Dimitri Wolf

How to Fix errors, crashes, and problems when the DJI Fly App won’t start

From time to time, problems can occur with the DJI Fly app. For example, the app no longer starts or…

Dimitri Wolf